Monday 10 June 2019


The synagogue was closed to tourists on Saturday as always but the tourists kept coming to the town. Yes the off season and the eminent arrival of the monsoon have slowed the coming of tourists but still folks were coming, mostly local and domestic tourists.
The two days following Sabbath was holidays and was notified outside the synagogue. Though there was no mention of the reason, the two days are the Shavout holidays, they day, the ten commandments were given to Moses and to the children of Abraham.
Sea was rough and the monsoon was expected to arrive any moment. At the Fort the changing winds displayed splendid last light of the summer.
On first day of the Savout traditionally all the families bring their children including infants to hear the ten commandments being read out at the synagogue, with almost every one gone from the town the celebration and the rituals has become a memory
celebrated by the heritage business ventures that has moved into the old Jewish homes of our old town.

Kaifeng Torah and the Chinese Jewish Community

  They are the Jewish community settled the farthest from Jerusalem. They maintained their community for over thousand years on the banks of...